Stalled Dreams

Stuffing toilet paper in my ears doesn’t work all the time.
Sometimes the music is just too loud.
Johnny is an asshole and sucks cock.
It says it right there.
A knife to the door of the stall does the trick.
The poetic
musings of a spurned girl etched in block letters.
How long must she have been in this stinking shit hole to get those words just right?
just there, just where her bold statement gets read.
It smells like urine, vomit and strawberry flavored vape pens.

My pissing is done.
I push passed the white faced, shitfaced young ones.
I look at them, in their heals and tight skirts, full round silicon tits,
Their ruby red lips, flat tummies, and their wide open eyes.
A public spectacle
of misplaced desires to fit in.
Johnny is an asshole and sucks cock.

They don’t look at me anymore. The old ones do.
They open their
dirty mouths and let their tongues just lay their with their dirty thoughts.
I should go home.
What kind of trick will get me outta here. I’m too old for this.
Johnny is an asshole and sucks cock.
